If you own a business, you most likely know the importance social media plays in your marketing strategy. Even if you’re not yet sure how to leverage social media into higher revenue, you can’t ignore that a high percentage of your potential clients or customers are hanging out on social media. If you want to reach them, you have to cultivate an influential presence there, too.

Here’s how you take your social media to the next level:

Become an Expert at Curating Content

The top influencers online all have one thing in common: They’re experts at curating amazing content. While it’s important to create original content, there’s huge value in finding and sharing the valuable content that’s already on the web. For your company’s social media accounts, strike a balance between sharing your own articles that link back to your site and interesting content you find online.  Your followers will begin to look at your company as a source for all things interesting in your industry and related fields.

Invest in Social Media

Yes, the platforms are free, but for businesses to get the most value out of social media, they have to invest in them. First, hire someone to manage your social media. Don’t imagine that you can do it yourself; many business owners don’t have the time to post regularly or to educate themselves on the different posting etiquettes of each site.  Similarly, don’t expect one of your employees to manage social media on top of all their other tasks. You need someone who is dedicated to growing and engaging your audience online.

Secondly, expect to spend money on social media. Facebook’s constantly changing algorithm has made it increasingly difficult for brand’s to reach their audience online. Most posts are delivered to less than 10% of your audience unless you pay to promote them. While this can be frustrating for business owners, it does make sense. Facebook is in the business of content, and they have to make sure their Newsfeed is interesting in order to keep people using their platform. The good news is that the more consistently you post interesting content and the more people engage with that content, the more reach your next post will get.

While building your influence, plan to strategically promote some of your posts. If you have a new product launch, are offering a new service, or have an upcoming event, pay to promote them. There’s also an option to promote tweets on Twitter and advertise on LinkedIn.

Determine Who You’re Target Audience Is and Talk to Them

This seems like an obvious point, but it’s often forgotten in the world of social media. When you were designing your website, developing your products, or engineering your services, you had a very clear idea of who your target audience was. However, on social media, it’s very easy to get caught up in trying to gain a large following without thinking about who is actually following you.

If you have a hundred followers that are loyal customers or people who are very interested in your business, you will have more success than if you had a thousand followers who just like your photos of cats. Amassing likes and comments is not the main goal; social media has to lead to purchases in order to be valuable for your business.

Join groups and communities on Google+ and Facebook to engage in conversation with people in your industry. Seek out and follow people on Twitter who you would include in your target market. In other words, treat social media like an ongoing party. Seek out likeminded people to have meaningful conversations with, instead of loitering by the food and occasionally talking to people who walk past.

If you need help taking your social media marketing to the next level, 7573 Marketing can develop and implement a tactical social media strategy customized for your business.

Contact us today to find out how to leverage your business’ social media accounts.


Small Business Marketing, Delivering Agency Results

We understand that most small business owners can’t afford to staff a dedicated in-house marketing team. We believe every small business should have affordable results-driven marketing they can depend on. Since 2008, we have provided tailored marketing strategies that get small businesses noticed. As our primary focus is helping small business owners, we have become the go-to marketing team for many of our clients throughout the U.S., providing solid solutions and incredible returns on their investments.

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